Social Media Images
We encourage you to use these FREE graphics on your social media pages!
• To save these images on a Windows PC: Right click on the image and click “Save Image As.”
• To save on a Mac: Control+click on the image and choose “Save Image As,” OR click and drag the image to your desktop.
• To save on a Smartphone: Take a screenshot OR press down and hold on the image and choose “Save” when the menu appears.

'Vote for us' Logo
Use this logo on your company website, or in print or digital advertising!

Facebook Cover Image
Use this logo as the cover image on your Facebook page!

Instagram Stories
Use this image as an Instagram story to buld excitement in your fan base!

Facebook Posts
Paste this image into your Facebook posts to encourage your audience to vote!

Instagram Post
Paste this image into your Instagram posts to encourage your audience to vote!

An Excellent Advertising Opportunity!
As a nominee in the Readers’ Choice, you are in a position to reach thousands of local residents during our biggest local event of the year!
By sponsoring a group or category in this year’s ballot, your ad will appear at the top of your chosen categories, linked directly to your company’s website.

1215 W. Center St. #203
Manteca, CA 95337
(209) 249-3500
A product of 209 Multimedia Corporation.